Paths for freedom and progress
Impermanance, pain and unsubstantiality
NOTICE ARCHIVE - 18/09/2016

There are three basic qualities that characterize the Universe:

Quality first: impermanence. Nothing in the Universe lasts forever, everything is directioned to the very dissolution. This reminds us that we should not cling to anything temporary, it will just generate inevitably suffering because nothing endures. At the same time, this generalized impermanence is not necessarily painful, as the inverse of impermanence, permanence, tend to be extremely tedious and tiring. It is precisely the impermanence that allows renewal of the Universe.

Second quality: pain. The Universe is saturated by pain, which is caused by our attachment to all that is temporary - impermanent! Suffering is widespread, it is everywhere. The awareness of this quality in the Universe makes us more prepared to deal with the pain and makes us more able to avoid it, or at least mitigate. It also makes us more compassionate and attentive to the suffering of others.
Third quality: "not me", or unsubstantiality. There is no "I" permanent: we are constantly in changing process. After our death, there is nothing left of us, unless our actions, intentions and fame, accumulated over a lifetime and lead to the formation of the spirit that, yes or not, releases or rises to what is commonly called reincarnation. This primary mind, or consciousness, is composed of five components; feeling, discriminação, intention, contact and attention. Being spiritually enlightened you do not meet the five components of being after death, do not reincarnate but merge the Universe, abandoning the death and reincarnation cycle.
The idea that we are individually separated  from the Universe is only illusion. We are all connected to each other, you can not distinguish ends and beginnings between one to  another. The well-being of other people influence our well-being, the malice of others influences badly our mind. This quality of the Universe urges the need to combat selfishness, which reflects an imperfect understanding of the reality of the Universe: an Universe in which, in fact, all beings are interrelated and interdependent.
In other words, the Universe is actually an immense, infinite continuum. It is the man who divided it into separate entities, in order to better understand it through our limited intelligence. But these divisions are arbitrary and artificial, ranging from culture to culture. They have no real existence. For example, in English,  we define as separate colours  green and blue. However, in the Tupi language, these (by us understood)two colours are encompassed by a single term, “oby”.  The artificiality and the inconsistency of the divisions we take to understand the Universe depends of which society you belong. Other examples: a  supporter fan club, or a political movement, a number of different individuals come to act and think as if they were one entity. Even here the definition of "I" is controversial:  the fan club, or the political movement, several beings or one being? The answer to this question is not so simple.
Despite belonging to Judaism which is one of the three conflicting Abrahamic religions, together with Islam and Christianity always in disputes and wars , all three preaching that we are subservents of a supreme being, the famous physicist Albert Einstein had a vision of the Universe as one reality and without borders, that fits perfectly into the concept of "not me." Einstein compared the selfishness of the human being as a kind of "optical delusion of his consciousness," which only considers important their own well-being or, at most, the few people in his inner circle. According to Einstein, the task of human being extend the inner circle through the development of compassion, to reach and involve the whole Universe, reestablishing in our consciousness the nature as it really is: without defined borders between one being and another.
Of course, this does not mean that we should open borders, open the doors of our homes, open our hearts to everyone without restriction at all. The material world should be organized in units embedded in the natural assumptions that exist in culture, tradition, language and other natural conditions, led by the most qualified and organized people  in as small units as possible. Thus, the spiritual communication can flow easily inside each group, with minimal conflicts as social and material conditions are in the same level  between  the members in each group. Thus, compreension and solidarity sprout without the constant provocations and troubles generated by multiculturalism, Abrahamic religions, communism and globalism. It opens the possibility to combat selfishness and bind social ties, enjoying the peace in each community and thus develop compassion from within the group headed for the universal good.


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Views: 451671 - Atualizado: 23-04-2024