Caminhos para liberdade e progresso
A president against drugs, a president who cares about his Nation
EDITAL COMPLETO - 10/07/2018

A president has one mission: Serve the Nation. As a leader for the Nation the president is the ultimate responsible for progress, peace, quality of life, transports, health care, urbanism, schools, safety and so on....


Joko Widodo is the president of Asias third biggest country (regarding population) and is an example of a president for people and Nation. An excellent example to show Latin American countries, poor nations who in many aspects share conditions with Indonesia, but when many Latin American Governments, arrogants and cool blooded, admit their people to be killed by drug dealers and murders, Joko Widodo, the president of Indonesia listen to his people, take their suffering to his heart and confront even the New World Order by executing drug dealers. The Indonesian death penalty against drug traffic has made some Western politicians upset.


Particularly in countries where drugs are real big business. But if  politicians and some left wingers are upset over straight and fair law and order, the big and silent majority of citizens in these Latin American unsafe nations are wishing and dreaming about to one day have a human leadership,someone  like Joko Widodo, who not is afraid of, or corrupted by drug traders. Because, the citizens in Brazil are really suffering under Justice and Government, who are hardliners against the taxpayers but extremely soft against criminals. Do you know why jail not works in such a country? Because Brazilian drug dealers are making their business from jail, they are using cellphones even when they are jailed. They are therefore making their business in peace from jail, protected by police and Justice from the rival gangs. Do that blue eyed lady journalist know about that? Or does she care more about a rotten life than thousands of suffering humans?


In the linked interview below, President Joko defends his firm statement to make the best Justice against drugs in order to save his people. The incompetent and impeached ex-president of Brazil, Dilma Roussef, had the bad taste to defend Brazilian drug dealers when they got sentenced to death by Indonesian Justice. Such unrespectful behavior against Law and Order of a foreign state was of course also both embarrassing as against the interests of her own Nation. The Brazilian people are tired of drug dealers power. Just ask the Brazilians.  Or, if you are an Western naiv leftist, why not go to Brazil and see with your own eyes how the real situation is, under criminal power. Dilma Roussef, not able to govern her own country, without any shame, she dared to criticize a human and fair judgment from a sovereign Nation..


Video: Joko Widodo responds an Western female journalist about how Indonesia deals with the mentioned problems:    


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