Paths for freedom and progress
ECONOMY - 12/08/2019

Scandinavia wants to substitute cash for total payment with card. Fortunately, there are still countries  who want to preserve the cash, a right of privacy. When someone wants an alteration, there is always something behind. The pushing forces for a cash free society are credit card companies, banks and the government. It is the same old story: The State and the Capital are sitting cozily in the same boat as you row.

Comfort is the carrot and stupidity is the motor to bring people to the cash-free paradise. The price is invasion of the sensible private sphere, total control from aliens over the individual and a lot of cybercrime. Even if all of us already have been through some boring situations where the card is defect or no signal arrives, people still believe in the digital miracle.

That´s it, people love to be cheated and dreams seem more nice than the reality.

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Views: 518642 - Atualizado: 16-10-2024