Paths for freedom and progress
Arctic survival 100 years ago
NOTICE ARCHIVE - 11/02/2022

Look here at some clips from "Nanook of the North" (1922) - Robert Flaherty. The documentary shows the hard life os survival of the natives around Hudson Bay, Canada.

First, Nanook hunts a fox: https://youtu.be/SNadk9eOqEo

Second, Nanook arrives with his kayak: https://youtu.be/Q3OYEFXWPOo

Third,Igloo construction:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F0G3IZA6OI

Fourth, The walrus hunt:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amFbJ4bvPDI

Compare these native people from Northern Canada with people from modern countries. The skill to survive of this family is surprising, but in relation to modern people, it is incredible. However, these clips are from a 100 years old documentary and I am sure it is a serious product, clean and true. It is every day more unbelievable to present the ongoing decadence and weakness of our modern snowflake society. And still, there are people believing we are in progress….

Original documentary here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IAcRjBq93Y&list=WL&index=2&t=3262s
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Views: 451992 - Atualizado: 26-04-2024