Paths for freedom and progress
Smart technology
NOTICE ARCHIVE - 01/10/2022

Since the I-phone was introduced 2007, the most new technology is consumer technology, not productive technology. Such kind of technology makes people waste their time on selfies, Facebook, Tik Tok, Netflix… They get distracted from the real World and get closer to a borderline were delusions and madness lures.

In the early days of the personal computer and even the mobile phone, those devices helped people to be more productive. Meanwhile, something changed and now these same devices are taking away creativity and productivity from people. They get dumber, slower and lazy.

The new technology provoke us to spend more money, slide and scroll, scroll and slide and we don´t move forward at all. The chargers for the mobil phones and computers today are needing tens of times more energy. To be able to look at useless things with more pixels.

Smart technology makes us produce more with less resources and with less energy. Smart and loyal people in government, financial institutions and companies will chose smart technology. The first step to smart living is to clean up and get the right people on the right place.
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Views: 455010 - Atualizado: 08-05-2024